Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Contact Microsoft Product Support

I'm familiar with NetLibrary and the other online books, so I thought I'd try Overdrive, since I haven't used that much. Browsing and checking things out, no problem. Downloading them? Hah! I keep getting error messages about Microsoft Digital Rights management and etc. I've tried rebooting machines, getting the Windows Media Player security upgrade for the overdrive console, rebooting, redowloading the Overdrive console, but every time I try to do the security upgrade I'm told there's an error and to contact Microsoft Product support. If I try to download anyway, I get a different error message and a suggestion to contact Microsoft Product support.

Probably I could make this work at home. I might give it a try. Though I'm not a big fan of audio books. The video selection is nice.

But this points up one of the problems with this sort of thing. My wife has our new laptop. The other computer I have at home has "gone slow" on me and no amount of messing around with it has fixed that. I could work on this there but I could also just give up. Not everyone has the latest and bestest and fastest, and for the non-techno savvy (I'm techno savvy--but I'm also in tune with those who aren't) this all can be very very frustrating. You can see an audio book or a video you'd like to borrow, but a parade of slow installs and error messages leaves a sour taste in your mouth. I'm glad we have these available for people who want to borrow this type of material, but I can see where it might be much more difficult to provide assistance from the staff perspective.


  1. Ding ding. It's a Catch-22. The patrons who would enjoy these products probably don't need our help. The ones who would need our help probably wouldn't enjoy these products.

    Just a theory. I still haven't tried Overdrive yet, though I'm a big fan of MyLibraryDV, and have had no tech issues at all.

  2. Good point guys - I hadn't thought of that....but you're right! Though, I can imagine if taught and if a patron was confident enough, (s)he might discover a great love for this technology! Here's hoping!
